Werner Nekes Baby Boy (2025)

1. Werner NEKES - Light Cone

  • Bevat niet: baby boy

  • (1944-2017) Nationality: German

2. Explore Werner: Meaning, Origin & Popularity

3. Werner Nekes: A Pre-Cinematic Obsession - AnOther Magazine

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  • Author Chloe Aridjis visits filmmaker Werner Nekes, to delve into the world’s greatest collection of pre-cinematic objects

4. Werner Nekes - Re:Voir

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  • Nekes Werner (born on April 29th, 1944 in Erfurt, Germany) is a German director and collector. Nekes studied linguistics and psychology at Freiburg. He began his film career in 1964 in Bonn and is part of the University Film Club and is chair at FIAG. Following this early career, he developed friendships with several filmmakers, sculptors and painters. After meeting with Dore O., both started collaborating since 1967. In 1965, he began painting and using various materials and objects, he then makes films in 8 mm and 16 mm. Nekes aims to release the film from narration and its psychologizing goal to then make it while respecting the structural system and the temporal criteria. The Oberhausen Kurzfilmtage rejects his films in the spring of 1967, which pushes him to organize an event. The same year, Nekes arrives in Hamburg with Dore O. and the couple get married the following month. Today, he is co-founder of the cooperative of filmmakers of Hamburg and is one of the organizers of the "Hamburger Filmschau". From 1973, he traveled around the world to participate in seminars on the theories of movies or retrospectives. He moved to Mulheim in 1978. He is also the co-founder of Filmbüro NW (1980) and the ICNC (International Center for New Cinema) in Riga in 1988. His works have been exhibited in major museums and festivals, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York and Documenta Kassel. In parallel, he exercises his teaching profession: from 1969 to 1972 and from 2004 to 2006...

5. Acquisition of the Werner Nekes Collection

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6. Werner Nekes - Media Magica 3 - DVD - ︎︎︎ underbelly.nu

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  • Werner Nekes - Media Magica 3 - DVD - Underbelly

7. Werner Nekes - Media Magica 6 - DVD - Underbelly

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  • Werner Nekes - Media Magica 6 - DVD - Underbelly

8. https://www.dff.film/en/akquisition-of-the-werner-...

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  • 12.11.2020 No Comments

Werner Nekes Baby Boy (2025)


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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.